Depression |
Depression is one of the most common reason to be referred to a clinical psychologist. Depressive disorder is used clinically to describe a cluster of symptoms such as depressed mood, lack of interest, inability to enjoy daily activities, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of agitation, problems with sleep (too much or too little), concentration problems, forgetfulness, losing or gaining weight without intent, feelings of worthlessness, guilt or suicidal thoughts. The severity of these symptoms is not the same for everyone suffering from depression. Usually people describe these feelings being different from how they normally feel, and interfering with their ability to live, enjoy life, work or their relationship.
Depression can have different causes; some people have a genetic vulnerability to experience depressive symptoms but this doesn't have to be the case. If you are exposed to several negative events in your life you might lose the strength and flexibility to cope with these negative setbacks with depression as a possible result. As psychologists we make a distinction between depression and grief (e.g. when the symptoms are caused by the loss of a beloved one). If you would like to read more about grief, please click here. To start an effective treatment for depression it is important to understand your symptoms, your situation and the possible causes of the depression. This will be discussed in the initial session with Selma, so she can determine which type of treatment approach or therapeutic strategies will best match your situation and personality. Understanding your own symptoms is also important to become more aware of the possible triggers to prevent relapse once you're feeling better. People who are depressed usually limit their activity levels and can avoid social contact, which will eventually reinforce the depressive feelings. Setting goals and (re) assessing your values in life is important to break out of this vicious cycle. Gradually rebuilding your activities and learning about your possible negative thinking patterns will be important parts of your treatment. Overcoming depression is very challenging, even if you have a partner who is very supportive. Seeking professional help to improve your happiness can offer you the necessary support. Selma is passionate about helping people overcome their difficulties in becoming happy, balanced and energized again. Do you recognize these symptoms of depression and would you like to overcome them? Click here to see the options of making an appointment with Selma van Diest. On the page of rebates we describe how a Mental Health Care plan could provide you rebates for the sessions with Selma van Diest. |